

玛莎浆果Martha McChesney Berry founded the Berry 学校 for academically able but economically poor children of the rural South—those who usually could not afford to go to other schools. These schools of the early 1900s grew within three decades into 十大靠谱赌博平台大学, 一所综合性文理学院. As a result of her 40 years of work with the schools and college, 玛莎浆果 is among Georgia's most prominent women of the first half of the 20th century.


玛莎·贝里出生于10月10日. 7, 1865, in Alabama to Thomas and Frances Margaret Rhea Berry. The family moved when she was still a baby to Rome, Ga.她在那里度过了余生. Martha's father operated a plantation and was a partner in Berrys and Company, a wholesale grocery and cotton brokerage business in Rome. In 1871 he purchased a residence located approximately two miles north of downtown Rome, 也就是后来的橡树山.

年轻的玛莎和五个姐妹住在那里, two brothers and three Berry cousins whose parents were deceased. 由家庭女教师和家庭教师在家教育, 她就读于埃奇沃斯学校, 巴尔的摩的一所精修学校, Md.不到一年的时间. She received no other formal education but traveled around the country and to Europe on several occasions.


玛莎·贝里非常疼爱她的父亲, and she rode horseback along with him into the nearby hills and mountain areas, 拜访较贫穷的地主和佃农. Her father often assisted these families with their needs, 玛莎也产生了帮助他们的愿望. She never married, choosing instead to make this desire her life's work.

In the late 1890s Martha met three young boys crossing the family's property near 橡树山 on a Sunday afternoon. She learned they did not go to school or Sunday school. They were not familiar with basic stories from the Bible, 所以她给他们讲了一些故事. She invited them to return the next Sunday with their brothers and sisters. Soon whole families filled a small log cabin that had been built years before near 橡树山 as a playhouse for the Berry children and later served as a quiet place for Martha to read, 写下来思考. When the group overflowed the cabin (which still stands), she built a small whitewashed school building across the highway from 橡树山 on 83 acres of land given to her by her father. She also used an abandoned church a few miles away at Possum Trot, and two other facilities were located at Mount Alto and Foster's Bend. These four Sunday schools grew into day schools for the children.

玛莎最终得出结论, 才能对孩子产生足够的影响, she needed to keep them at the schools rather than have them live at home. 她叫人建了一间宿舍. 13, 1902, she opened the Boys Industrial School with five boarding students on the land near her home. After the school was incorporated the next year with a board of trustees, 她把那块83英亩的土地转让给了公司. This school later became known as the Mount Berry School for Boys, and on Thanksgiving Day 1909 she opened the 玛莎浆果 School for Girls approximately a mile from the boys' school. These were high schools also offering lower-level studies in the early years. 十大靠谱赌博平台家族的学校成为职业教育的典范, agricultural and mechanical schools throughout the world by showing how the needs of people in poor rural areas could be met. Through her schools Berry blazed a trail for the establishment of an agricultural and mechanical school in each congressional district of Georgia.

In 1926 she established Berry Junior College, which in 1930 expanded into a four-year school. The high schools were closed in later years following Berry's death in 1942. The college has continued its founder's focus on providing students with a comprehensive education of the head, 心和手. Her motto still endures: "Not to be ministered unto, but to minister."


玛莎浆果 traveled widely, seeking support for her schools and became an accomplished fundraiser.

她为学校的运作筹到了钱, 大量建筑物的建造, the purchase of additional lands and the establishment of an endowment for future support. 许多礼物都很小, but she also received support for the schools from such people as philanthropists Andrew Carnegie and Emily Vanderbilt Hammond, 汽车先驱亨利·福特, U.S. 西奥多·罗斯福总统和美国总统.S. president Woodrow Wilson's wife, Ellen Axson Wilson, who was a native of Rome. The institution purchased adjacent farms and forests, 累计近30,在玛莎的一生中种植了1000英亩土地.


虽然她从未上过大学, Berry was awarded honorary doctorates by eight colleges and universities:

缅因州贝茨学院, 十大靠谱赌博平台大学, 北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学, 俄亥俄州的奥伯林学院, Oglethorpe大学, 佐治亚大学, the University of North Carolina and the University of Wisconsin. During her lifetime she also received honors from the Georgia General Assembly, 西奥多·罗斯福纪念协会, 图示评审, 美国的殖民夫人们, 美国综艺俱乐部, American Institute of Social Sciences and numerous others. She was appointed to the initial Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and was chosen in a 好管家 magazine contest as one of America's 12 greatest women.

玛莎浆果 continued to be honored after her death on February 27, 1942. Her grave site near the 十大靠谱赌博平台大学 Chapel is marked by the Atlanta Gas Light Company's first posthumous Shining Light Award. 美国的格鲁吉亚部分.S. Highway 27 was designated as the 玛莎浆果 Highway, her portrait was hung in the state capitol's Gallery of Distinguished Georgians, she was included among the inaugural inductees into Georgia Women of Achievement and she was selected for induction into the Agricultural Hall of Fame at 佐治亚大学.

